Home Decor

"Have nothing in your home that you don't know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." —William Morris.


“Family is not an important thing. It's everything.” – Michael J. Fox.


“Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams.”


“Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.”

Eat Together as a Family

"When we eat together, when we set out to do so deliberately, life is better, no matter what your circumstances. - Thomas Keller"

It's not you. It's me.

I say the phrase. My heart snaps like a twig. “What?” she asks, as if she doesn’t hear me correctly. As if she were an elderly lady whose hearing aid’s battery life is low as an iPhone’s. Or maybe she’s stalling. Giving me time to reconsider and say something different. But I repeat it. It’s not you, it’s me. I don’t deserve a woman as good as she. Though she concedes that we are all human and make mistakes, that doesn’t excuse the fact that I continue to fail her. I can’t give her what she needs. Don’t get me wrong; I wanted this to work....

Cikgu Zekeri

   Assalamualaikum. Lame plak tak buat entry. Okay entry kali niy khas dibuat untuk sorang cikgu yang paling aku ingat dlm hidup. Nama dia Cikgu Zekeri. Ntah kenapa aku tetibe plak teringat dia. Act cikgu niy mengajar aku dari darjah 4 sampai darjah 6. Apa yang istimewa nya cikgu niy ? Ntah lah. Yang aku bole ckp, dlm reramai cikgu, cikgu niy lah yg paling baik dgn aku. Memula aku sendiri pelik kenapa dia baik sgt dgn aku. Lg pulak masa tu aku darjah 4, aku ingt dia nk amek kesempatan kat aku. Hewhew. Nak2 pulak cikgu ni yang paling ensem...


    You alls. Lame nye I tak hupdate blog you alls. Al maklum lah lately niy bz sikit lah. Menjelang musim final niy macam2 perkara plak yg jadi. Hari niy I alls nak cerita sikit pasal ketrauma-an I. 9 JUN 2013. Tarikh yang mencipta byk kenangan. First tarikh niy adalah tarikh buftey my beloved mom. And tarikh niy jugak lah I pergi ke Genting with family. Hajat hati nak sambut buftey my mom lah. Act pegi 7hb ari tu. Tp ape yg i nak cerita kat sini ialah peristiwa yang mmg tak dapat i lupakan. Jadikan cter pagi tu bertolak nak balik ke...


    Cominggg back ! Okay today nak story mory sikit about satu program yg pernah aku hadiri. Rasanye niy satu2 nye program yg aku rasa plg best kot. Program ini diberi nama 'Ibnu Nafis'. Actually dah lama dah program yg fakulti aku anjurkan niy berlaku, tapi bila dikenang2 rasa rindu sgt ngn suasana mase kt program ni. Firstly, waktu itu dah heboh among kwn2 aku...

Perwira DiHatiku..

    Oh my ! Seriously I miss kenangan2 dekat perwira. Arghh ! Masa kenapa lah kau cepat sgt berlalu ? Bkn lah aku nak kata kwn2 kat ruma sewa aku tak best. In fact, diorang sgt lah sekepala. Kwn2 aku si ziha, yard, paez and sume2 lah satu rumah mmg ngam abes lah. Kdg2 tu kalo g mana2 sorg taknk p abes sume takde feel nk p. Nmpak tak btape close nye tu ? *korang mohon...

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